
“I looked over this curriculum and can truthfully say, “Good job!” I cannot believe how much work has been done. I think the content is powerful and something all school systems need!”

retired 40-year Women’s Basketball Coach, Harvard University.

“This innovative and well-researched curriculum for middle and high school sports teams is unique because it addresses hate and bias early in a young athlete’s life. It gives guidance on how to conduct difficult conversations, to understand one’s own identity and to see our differences and commonalities by setting out multiple ways of approaching these topics. As Nelson Mandela said, ‘Sport . . . has the power to unite people in a way that little else does.’ I believe this curriculum moves his vision forward by giving young people concrete examples on how to digest the complexities of living in America today and then taking action to make it better for all.”

Often called the “racial conscience of sports,” Founder of Northeastern University’s Center for the Study of Sport in Society, Director at the University of Central Florida, The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES), President, Institute for Sport and Social Justice.

“The authors’ six principles articulate a new vision for how to transform the way in which sports transforms lives. The activities show exactly how to feasibly make this happen and then the Assess for Success Scorecards ensure you will keep on track in a spirit of continuous improvement. This curriculum should be required reading for all teachers, coaches and students involved with high school sports and preparing our young people for the tests of life.”

Rutgers University, Co-Director, The Academy for SEL in Schools, Board President, SEL4US.org.

“Remodeling Sports to Transform Lives is a new curricular program for coaches, athletic directors, and athletes developed by Get Psyched Sports about how to best support an inclusive, safe, and supportive athletics program consistent with the principles of social-emotional learning. The program focuses on such topics as creating a positive environment that is culturally responsive and equitable, promoting motivation and effort, maintaining focus, learning how to manage pressure and stress, and setting personal goals. It is a useful program for both school-based and community-based athletic programs.”

ASSA, Lead Superintendent for Social Emotional Learning for The School Superintendents Association, former Superintendent

“Coaches are cheating their athletes if they are not preparing them for life. Teaching sport specific tactics and techniques are fun, challenging, and rewarding, but preparing them with life skills is their MOST important role. John Wooden’s mantra “Winning is a byproduct of doing what’s right” is spot on. My mantra is “Talent is overrated, you win with character!” I believe this is the way forward.”

Retired Massachusetts Athletic Director, coach and teacher.

“I was thrilled when Mitch sent me a curriculum for athletic departments that aligns with the character development we seek for our children, especially for our teenagers, who are in that cauldron of developing an adult identity. The title of the curriculum is “Remodeling Sports to Transform Lives.” I urge you to take a minute and skim through the table of contents—it is clear and positive. The thread running through my career has been to pull students on the margins back into the center of school life, and thereby expand the center. It’s time to demand and support the same with all school sports teams in all schools: pull their work from the margins of engagement with students fully into the center of all our work in schools.”

Educational Consultant, Author, and Basketball Enthusiast.

“I have known and worked alongside Mitch Lyons for decades and observed his dedication to maximizing the benefits of sports participation for hundreds of students. As a player, coach and coach of coaches he evolved the GetPsychSports model to guide coaches and players to create and sustain a positive environment that enhances emotional and physical development. This manual is a must for coaches, athletic directors and everyone who is committed to enhancing the performance of athletes on and off the court, field, track, pool…….etc!”

Independent School Mental Health Consultant