
Sport Psychologist Dr. Julie Wiernik, abused athlete Michael Tulenko, and founder of the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and, Mitch Lyons have a conversation about SEL in Athletics: Neglected and Negligence.

Length: 50 minutes

The Benefits of a Written Curriculum for Physical Education and School Sports

A curriculum with elements of social and emotional learning helps kids develop good relationships with teammates and perform better.

By Maurice J. Elias, Mitch Lyons
Edutopia, October 5, 2023

“For athletes, you don’t have to figure this out alone. We’re here to help.”

We assist athletes, parents, coaches, and anyone in athletic communities who are concerned about emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. Our team of specialized counselors offers confidential support through calls, text, and online chat.

The Courage First Athlete Helpline is presented by the Foundation for Global Sports Development/Sidewinder Films and the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline.

If you have been abused, please consider seeking a consultation with a child and adolescent psychiatrist, psychologist or a trained mental health professional.

View the guide on when to seek help for your child on AACAP website.

Despite it’s imperfect record, please consider making a report to SafeSport.

Read about keeping your athletes safe on US Center for Safe Sport website.

View US Center for Safe Sport Parent Toolkit.

Learn about the harm caused to The Bullied Brain as Jennifer Fraser, PhD. interprets what scientists have learned from brain scans and provides a way to repair and recover from the damage caused.