Story 34

Gender: Female
Grade Level of Event: Freshman
Sport Played: Women basketball
Your Story: I am on the woman basketball team at a university which is coached by a veteran coach.  The relationship with the team have resulted in intimidation and fear amongst the players. I will not discuss playing time as I understand this is the coach’s decision. What I will talk about is the emotional abuse that the coach subjects the players too. I have no confidence in the AD and therefore, I want an objective entity to investigate this matter. I would suggest speaking with the players who are afraid that they will be targeted, play less or not at all . 

Coach does the following:

  1. Encourage players to make fun of each other as well as she makes fun of players in front of each other.
  2. Not receptive to meeting with players who ask for more clarity.
  3. Inconsistent with her decisions and as a result, players are often left confused and not knowing what she wants.
  4. Targets players in practice, being mean and demeaning, and picks on players who don’t play or those who ask for clarity,

These are just some of the issues. I urge you to speak to the players as the coach is emotionally abusive.  She shouldn’t be allowed to coach young women who she treats unfairly and destroys any confidence they have in themselves.